Το Βήμα της Ελληνικής κοινότητας επαγγελματιών και ερευνητών στην Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (ΔΑΔ)
19 Φεβ 2009
Απαράδεκτη η απόλυση εργαζομένου που ήταν φορέας του AIDS, σύμφωνα με την ΓΣΕΕ
16 Φεβ 2009
Η εποχή μας θέλει τον CFO «πρωταθλητή της αλλαγής»
Πολύ δύσκολο «σταυρόλεξο» οι εργασιακές σχέσεις
Χωρίς σχέδιο η χώρα απέναντι στο επερχόμενο κύμα των απολύσεων
11 Φεβ 2009
Men & Women In HR - A Balanced Mix?
Figures released by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) regarding its membership, often a reliable way to look at the HR industry as a whole, reveal a staggering fact. Almost three quarters (72%) of the total membership are women.
It can be rare in established industry professions these days to have the figures so heavily skewed towards one sex or another, and rarer still to find that women have the predominance over men. So what does this tell us about the HR industry, the core skills required, and the industry’s ability to attract skilled professionals from both sexes?
It’s in the genes?On a broad, generic level, it has often been said that the skills and qualities required to be a successful Human Resources professional lend themselves more to those of the female skillset. Organisational abilities, an eye for detail, empathy, non-confrontational negotiation skills, listening and an overall desire to help have been cited as aspects of the profession that are cited as more feminine traits.
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Women Executives on Work/Life Balance: Flexibility, Networks, Outside Interests
The oft-used term "work/life balance" can mean different things to different people -- and different things to the same person at various points in her career, according to a panel of Wall Street executives at the recent Wharton Women in Business Conference.
The five women on the panel -- which was titled, "For the Long Haul: Wall Street Women on Balancing Life and Work after VP" -- all acknowledged that striking a perfect balance between work and personal life is rarely possible for a first-year associate on Wall Street, but they also agreed that balance is possible with time.
"It's very hard coming right out of business school to achieve work/life balance," said Carol A. Schafer, a managing director in Wachovia Securities' Equity Capital Markets group who also spent 17 years at JP Morgan. "You want to be able to work for an organization that sets you up for work/life balance in the future, one that respects personal life, personal time, has a good mentoring organization -- a good women's organization." A first-year associate can't tell an employer, "Here I am. I'm great. I'm smart, and I demand work/life balance," Schafer noted, but "it's pretty achievable over time."
She added that work performance is critical, especially at a career's start, and will pay off with greater lifestyle flexibility. "If you really want to be there for the long haul, have good opportunities presented to you, be able to achieve work/life balance over time and move around to get a broad experience, you've got to be a consistently good performer. That's what gives you leverage.... Become indispensable and everybody [will] want you to be a part of their network. It's what opens all the doors."
9 Φεβ 2009
Half-a-Million Job Cuts: Is There a Strategy Behind the Layoffs?
One month into 2009, job cuts by corporations have become a major news story around the world. In one week alone, almost 100,000 jobs were eliminated. These included 20,000 layoffs at NEC, 19,500 at Pfizer, 15,000 at Metro, 10,000 at Boeing and 8,000 at Sprint Nextel. Thousands more from Starbucks, Ericsson, Kodak, Philips, Microsoft, Caterpillar, Home Depot and others added to the total. According to an estimate by outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, layoffs in January totaled 241,749, up 45% from December and the highest monthly number in seven years. In response to this situation, U.S. President Barack Obama pushed even harder for passage of an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. "The most important number for this recovery plan is how many jobs it produces," said Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, "not how many votes it gets."
Unfortunately, more cuts are probably on the way, according to economists watching the situation. "From what we are seeing, the fourth quarter was breathtakingly weak for companies,' says Christopher Portman, a senior economist at Oxford Economics, which builds macroeconomic models for banks and governments around the world. "In terms of the global economy, 2009 will be the worst year since World War II and even since the 1930s. I don't know that the job losses we have seen so far show the full picture. Unemployment does lag [behind other indicators of economic performance], and even after we hit the bottom of this downturn, the job loss numbers will continue to rise.'
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3 Φεβ 2009
Crisis leadership: it's a question of style?
During economic downturns, people often focus on things they can't control and stop taking positive action. Effective crisis leadership will create an engaging work climate despite the bad economic news and fear it can generate.
The power of a positive work climate and the extra effort it encourages should not be underestimated. Research shows that employees working in engaging climates outperform peers in a less robust environment by as much as 30 per cent.
Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον άρθρο από το newsletter της Hay Group μας έστειλε ο κος Βλάσσης Νικολαΐδης (και τον ευχαριστούμε), το οποίο συζητάει τον ρόλο το θετικού κλίματος στο σημερινό, δύσκολο, επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, ένα θέμα που το έχουμε θίξει πολλές φορές σε αυτό το blog.
Την συνέχεια του άρθρου μπορείτε να την διαβάσετε εδώ.
Test Yourself: Do You Love What You Do?
Ένα ενδιαφέρον ερωτηματολόγιο αυτό-αξιολόγησης της αφοσίωσης που δείχνουμε στην δουλειά μας...
5 Career Development Lessons From...A Baby?
Περιγράφει 5 αρχές ανάπτυξης σταδιοδρομίας από την πλευρά ενός νεογέννητου....
2 Φεβ 2009
Ethics in Social Networking
H εκδήλωση αφορούσε τον ρόλο των ιστοσελίδων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, κλπ.) στην προσέλκυση και επιλογή προσωπικού και η ακόλουθη παρουσίαση συνοψίζει τα σημαντικότερα ηθικά ζητήματα που έχουν προκύψει με την χρήση τους.
Women in Business Survey
Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία του 3ου EuropeanPWN BoardWomen Monitor 2008 σε συνεργασία με την Egon Zehnder International στις μεγαλύτερες 300 ευρωπαϊκές εταιρείες οι γυναίκες–μέλη Δ.Σ. είναι μόλις 9,7% – δηλαδή σε σύνολο 5.146 θέσεων οι γυναίκες καλύπτουν μόνο τις 501. Και το ποσοστό αυτό θα ήταν ακόμη χαμηλότερα αν η Νορβηγία, η οποία έχει νομοθετήσει ποσοστώσεις, δεν το ανέβαζε σημαντικά. Σημειώνεται ότι προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση κινείται και η Ισπανία.
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