22 Οκτ 2009


What is Glassdoor.com?

Glassdoor.com is a career and workplace community where anyone can find and anonymously share salary details about specific jobs for specific employers or company and interview reviews describing life on the inside of an employer — all for free.

19 Οκτ 2009

Τη φωνή των εργαζομένων μέσα από ερωτηματολόγιο ψάχνει η France Telecom

Από το www.in.gr.
Μακροσκελές ερωτηματολόγιο θα κληθούν να συμπληρώσουν οι εργαζόμενοι της France Telecom, στον απόηχο του κύματος αυτοκτονιών που έχει απασχολήσει τη γαλλική κοινή γνώμη τον τελευταίο καιρό.

Μοιάζει με Employee Satisfaction Survey ή Climate Survey.
Αργήσαν λίγο...

Why Are France Telecom Workers Committing Suicide?

Κοιτάξτε τι θα μπορούσε να κάνει το εργασιακό άγχος σε μια μεγάλη πολυεθνική εταιρία!!!

9 Οκτ 2009

Άρθρο για την εξέλιξη της Οργανωσιακής Ψυχολογίας στην Ελλάδα

Πρόσφατα προσκληθήκαμε από το Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology (τον επιστημονικό φορέα των Οργανωσιακών Ψυχολόγων στις ΗΠΑ) να γράψουμε ένα σύντομο άρθρο για την Ιστορία και την Ανάπτυξη της Οργανωσιακής Ψυχολογίας στην Ελλάδα προκειμένου να δημοσιευτεί στο επίσημο newsletter του φορέα (The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist-TIP). Το άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε στο τεύχος Οκτωβρίου 2009 και το αφιερώνουμε στον "πατέρα" της Οργανωσιακής Ψυχολογίας στην Ελλάδα και "δάσκαλο" για πολλούς από μας τον Αριστοτέλη Κάντα.

Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ολόκληρο το άρθρο εδώ.

7 Οκτ 2009

Should You Rehire Former Employees? - Conversation Starter - HarvardBusiness.org

Sure, Apple Computer needs all the help it can get in the tough tablet-computing market, but was it really such a good idea to bring back a former employee, one who'd been a key developer of the failed Newton PDA, as its VP of product marketing?

My answer is a qualified yes. The way the company reintegrates this prodigal executive will have a lot to do with how good an idea it turns out to be, of course. But by bringing him back at all, Apple gets the following: a talented individual who understands its unquestionably unique culture, who was wildly successful in a different setting (at Nike), and who perhaps brings new perspectives and skills to the table as a result.

Περισσότερα στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο: Should You Rehire Former Employees? - Conversation Starter - HarvardBusiness.org

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Έρευνα Best Workplaces 2010

Tο Great Place to Work® Institute Hellas θα δέχεται αιτήσεις συμμετοχής για την Έρευνα Best Workplaces 2010 μέχρι και την Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2009.

Στην έρευνα που διοργανώνεται για 8η συνεχόμενη χρονιά στην Ελλάδα από το Great Place to Work© Institute Hellas με την επιστημονική συνεργασία του ALBA Graduate Business School, θα αξιολογηθούν εταιρείες από τον ιδιωτικό και από το δημόσιο τομέα οι οποίες απασχολούν πάνω από 50 εργαζόμενους. Η λίστα των 20 καλύτερων θα διαιρείται και φέτος σε 2 κατηγορίες: α) τις 10 καλύτερες εταιρείες που απασχολούν πάνω από 250 άτομα και β) τις 10 καλύτερες με προσωπικό από 50 έως 250 άτομα.

Οι 20 εταιρείες που θα διακριθούν θα κερδίσουν αυτόματα υποψηφιότητα για μια θέση στην αντίστοιχη Ευρωπαϊκή Λίστα BEST WORKPLACES που θα περιλαμβάνει τις 100 εταιρείες με το καλύτερο εργασιακό περιβάλλον στην Ευρώπη, η ανακοίνωση και βράβευση των οποίων θα γίνει τον προσεχή Μάιο.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.greatplacetowork.gr ή επικοινωνήστε με την κα Ανθή Τσέντου, τηλ. 210 6971098, e-mail info@greatplacetowork.gr.

Πηγή: Αναδημοσίευση από post του κου Γ. Μαύρου στο "Great Place to Work Institute Hellas" Linkedin Group

6 Οκτ 2009

3 Things You Can Do to Get a Job and One Thing You Must Never Do

15 million people have lost their jobs, they're unemployed. They got fired, laid off, made redundant or let go. The vast majority of these people don't want to be without a job and most of them can't afford to be without a job and income. If this isn't you and you've got a job that's great, please forward this article on to someone else that could use the help.
So, what do you do now?
After going through some of the stages of 'grief,' denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, you will think that it's time to take some action like applying for jobs. Before you apply for those jobs there are 3 things you can do that will help you be successful with your "next step."
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein said that. This applies to looking for a job, and even getting a job. If you got great results the last time you looked for a job and you loved the job you had then do what ever you did, again. If you get great results again then you're in excellent shape.
This advice is for those people who struggled to get a job, sending thousands of resumes to online "job search sites," or even to companies, and then you never heard back from anyone. Do that again, expect any other result and you've diagnosed yourself as being insane. It's time to take a different approach, one that will get you what you want and need.

Companies and the triple bottom line?

TO UNDERSTAND how to manage compensation in organizations, we must understand the essential nature of organizations: what organization means and how success should be defined.

First, the people in organizations are interdependent.

Bond traders cannot exercise their skills unless there is an effective information-technology system that supports their work. They also rely on researchers who analyze patterns of previous trades. They rely on administrative staff who ensure that their trades are properly documented, on interns who bring them coffee to restore their flagging attention and on janitors who keep their workplaces from being overwhelmed by paper, old sandwich plates and dirty coffee cups.

Martin G. Evans: Companies and the ?triple bottom line? | Contributors | projo.com | The Providence Journal

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2 Οκτ 2009

5 Top Networking Habits To Safeguard Your Career

Networking should be an important part of your career management plan if you want to make sure you have the best opportunities available to you at any stage in your career. Recent estimates suggest that up to 80% of unadvertised positions are found through personal and professional networks! Make sure you’re safe-guarding your career with these top 5 networking tips...
Your Network Is Your Net-worth
I’m a firm believer in the importance of building a professional network and have seen the results of my efforts first-hand which have been very rewarding. One thing I’ve learnt that’s integral to networking success is to pay attention to your approach, and to have a strategy to increase and nurture your network. Without this you can damage your reputation quickly and will simply end up with a pile of business cards or on-line connections who have forgotten who you are and what you do.

Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis - HBR.org

When the economy recovers, things won’t return to normal—and a different mode of leadership will be required.

It would be profoundly reassuring to view the current economic crisis as simply another rough spell that we need to get through. Unfortunately, though, today’s mix of urgency, high stakes, and uncertainty will continue as the norm even after the recession ends. Economies cannot erect a firewall against intensifying global competition, energy constraints, climate change, and political instability. The immediate crisis—which we will get through, with the help of policy makers’ expert technical adjustments—merely sets the stage for a sustained or even permanent crisis of serious and unfamiliar challenges.

Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis - HBR.org: "When the economy recovers, things won’t return to normal—and a different mode of leadership will be required."

1 Οκτ 2009

Gary Hamel: What Really Kills Great Companies: Inertia - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 - WSJ

By Gary Hamel

In most organizations, change comes in only two flavors: trivial and traumatic. Review the history of the average organization and you’ll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change. The dynamic is not unlike that of arteriosclerosis: after years of relative inactivity, the slow accretion of arterial plaque is suddenly revealed by the business equivalent of a myocardial infarction. The only option at that juncture is a quadruple bypass: excise the leadership team, slash head count, dump “non-core” assets and overhaul the balance sheet.

Why does change have to happen this way? Why does a company have to frustrate its shareholders, infuriate its customers and squander much of its legacy before it can reinvent itself? It’s easy to blame leaders who’ve fallen prey to denial and nostalgia, but the problem goes deeper than that. Organizations by their very nature are inertial. Like a fast-spinning gyroscope that can’t be easily unbalanced, successful organizations spin around the axis of unshakeable beliefs and well-rehearsed routines—and it typically takes a dramatic outside force to destabilize the self-reinforcing system of policies and practices.

Gary Hamel: What Really Kills Great Companies: Inertia - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 - WSJ