28 Ιαν 2010

Τρεις ρυθμίσεις SOS στο Facebook

Πολύ χρήσιμες πληροφορίες για όσους διατηρούν προφίλ στο Facebook και δεν επιθυμούν να βλέπουν τα προσωπικά τους στοιχεία και πληροφορίες άνθρωποι που οι ίδιοι δεν επιθυμούν (π.χ. εργοδότες ή μελλοντικοί εργοδότες)...

27 Ιαν 2010

'Getting More from Less' Trend Will Continue in 2010

The sputtering economy has created a “bipolar world” for employers when it comes to staffing and organizational development issues. Demand for highly skilled talent remains strong, while businesses look for ways to keep staffing costs low and to boost productivity.

“It’s definitely a bipolar world right now,” said Sue Marks, chief executive officer of Pinstripe Inc., a talent management consulting group based in Brookfield, Wis. “Demand is strong for the best talent, yet most businesses aren’t adding staff.”

It’s a challenging conundrum for staffing and organizational development specialists who must find ways to get the maximum potential out of their organizations’ already strained talent pools.

“With the current economic climate, employers will have to focus their organizational development and human resources activities for keeping their companies in business, and, hopefully, find a way to grow the business with limited resources,” said Ken Moore, president of Ken Moore Associates in Schenectady, N.Y.

Moore believes that, to meet those objectives, HR professionals must focus on gaining the support and understanding of three key stakeholder groups: executive leadership, owners and shareholders, and customers.

“The real challenge that HR professionals now face is finding ways to show how good talent management strategies and practices add value to their organizations,” Marks said.

Demonstrating that these practices and policies do add value can be a hard sell as other business functions compete for their share of tight and sometimes dwindling organizational resources.

“It’s a very tough business climate, so HR professionals will have to work even harder to convince decision-makers that organizational development interventions are essential if the intervention involves additional expenditures,” said Libby Anderson, president of Human Resources Now in Naples, Fla. “OD initiatives will also be influenced by the ‘making more with less’ and the ‘wait and see’ perspectives of business decision-makers.”

The result is that HR professionals will be forced to be more creative in the use of resources and approach to organizational development and talent management.

“I think 2010 will be one of the most challenging times for HR professionals as they struggle with these tough issues,” said Marks. “But it’s also an exciting time, because there are unprecedented opportunities to really make a difference and help reshape how your organization works. I believe there’s great excitement about the opportunities but also great fear as we face an unknown and very unsettled situation.”

Marks says that the economic climate is creating a “new normal” for businesses and that the old methods of finding, identifying and developing talent within businesses will no longer work.

With tightened resources, most businesses will be less inclined to invest and spend money on new training or organizational development programs, so finding ways to identify and nurture business leadership in an organization will be important. Open communications that provide a clear and accurate picture of an organization’s talent pipeline are an essential part of that process, according to Marks, Anderson and Moore.

“It’s a great time now for businesses to really assess their talent situation. HR should start everyone in the organization talking about who’s at risk for leaving and target the people the business really wants and needs to retain.”

Employers that have made the efforts to assess their talent and organizational development needs and have strategies in to meet those needs will be better prepared to grow their business when the economic picture begins to brighten, Marks contends.

Bill Leonard is senior writer for SHRM.

20 Ιαν 2010

More than a quarter of HR professionals admit to workplace flings - People Management Magazine Online

"HR professionals are amongst the workers most likely to engage in an office romance, according to a new survey.

Call centre staff polled the highest - at nearly 29 per cent - when asked to admit to a romantic indiscretion with a colleague. Finance employees ranked second at 28 per cent, while HR workers came in third place, with 26.5 per cent confessing to an office romance."

Dating at the office

Αυτό πρέπει να το δείτε!!!!!!!

Για να συναντήσεις τον/την αγαπημένη σου στο γραφείο πρέπει πρώτα να ρωτήσεις τον προιστάμενό σου ή αν θα κάνεις σχέση στο χώρο της δουλειάς. Άρα ο προιστάμενος θα πάιζει και το ρόλο του γονέα ή ακόμα χειρότερα του "Γραφείου Συνοικεσίων".

Πέραν του αστείου της υπόθεσης είναι φλέγον ζήτημα που "ακουμπά" σε κομμάτια παραγωγικότητας και συναισθηματικής εξουθένωσης.

TA NEA On-line - «Η δουλειά μού φέρνει πόνο στο στομάχι»

Ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο στα σημερινά ΝΕΑ για το σύνδρομο της Επαγγελματικής Εξουθένωσης.

«Σηκώνεστε με δυσκολία από το κρεβάτι για να πάτε στη δουλειά; Όταν είστε στην εργασία, εύχεστε να ήσασταν κάπου αλλού; Ζηλεύετε τους ανθρώπους που είναι ευχαριστημένοι με τη δουλειά τους; Σας προκαλεί θλίψη η σκέψη ότι “αύριο είναι Δευτέρα”;».

Η νέα μάστιγα
Ονομάζεται σύνδρομο επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης και όπως επισημαίνουν οι ειδικοί, πρόκειται για τη νέα «μάστιγα» στους διαδρόμους των γραφείων. Και παρ΄ όλο που δεν είναι ευρέως γνωστό στη χώρα μας, βασανίζει όλο και μεγαλύτερο αριθμό εργαζομένων. Άλλωστε οι Έλληνες κατέχουν μία αρνητική πρωτιά, καθώς σύμφωνα με στοιχεία του Οργανισμού Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ), ένας στους τέσσερις δηλώνει ότι το στρες και η οξυθυμία που αισθάνεται είναι «απόκτημα» της επαγγελματικής του πορείας.

Ολόκληρο το άρθρο μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε εδώ.

Use Google Alerts to monitor your online presence - The Working Geek

Next time you apply for a job, the hiring manager is going to Google your name and see what she finds. Do you know what people say about you? About things you've written? You should.

Google Alerts is a fantastic little tool that I don't hear people talk about enough. Google Alerts lets you enter a Google search once, and Google will update you whenever the Googlebot finds new matches for your search, often within only an hour or two of the page's publication.

The most obvious Alert search is your name, as a phrase in double quotes, but that's just the start. Here are some more ideas:Your name ("Andy Lester")
  • Your nick ("petdance")
  • Your email address ("andy@theworkinggeek.com")
  • Your company's name
  • Resumes related to your job market in your area of expertise (I have an alert for "resume Perl Chicago" (but without the quotes)
  • Titles from blog postings you've made
  • Links to specific blog postings you've made using the link: syntax

Keep an eye on the results. It's not vanity, it's understanding your personal brand.

Whats your digital footprint say about you? - Blogs - Community - ERE.net

"So you have a profile on LinkedIn; pictures on FaceBook; tell the world about your day on Twitter and your job at your blog. If you are looking for a job, and I were to trace your steps and follow each of these footprints, what type of picture are your painting? Are you someone who likes to 'get down' on the weekends, drinking everything in sight (proof provided by you or your friends FaceBook pics). Maybe you like to read science fiction novels (you can show the books you are reading on LinkedIn). Better yet, you're an avid video game player who plays Call of Duty until the wee hours of the night (some people use their gaming avatars in their profiles)."

8 Ιαν 2010

Maybe You're the Reason Your Job Is Boring - Susan Cramm - Harvard Business Review

If you are finding your job a little boring, you aren't alone. There are many who feel trapped in their current jobs since the economy has removed a few of the seats in the corporate game of musical chairs. But I challenge you to see that it's actually you, not the job, that's boring. First, see if you recognize any of these hard truths:

Περισσότερα εδώ.

7 Ιαν 2010

Newsletter HR Society_vol3

Ο Σύλλογος Αποφοίτων HR Society (Απόφοιτοι Δ.Α.Δ. του ΟΠΑ) σας παρουσιάζει το νέο τεύχος του newsletter του.

θα το βρείτε στο web site www.dmst.aueb.gr/hralumni

5 Ιαν 2010

Κριτήρια Μετακίνησης Στελεχών

Η εταιρεία People for Business δημοσίευσε την Τρίτη 29/12/2009 στην εφημερίδα Ελεύθερος Τύπος τα αποτελέσματα έρευνας που πραγματοποίησε, αναφορικά με τα Κριτήρια Μετακίνησης Στελεχών.

Βασικό συμπέρασμα ήταν ότι η εξαρτημένη-μισθωτή εργασία και το σταθερό πακέτο αμοιβών αποτελούν το μεγαλύτερο δέλεαρ για τα στελέχη προκειμένου να μετακινηθούν σε άλλη εταιρεία.

Δείτε αναλυτικά τη δημοσίευση της έρευνας http://www.pfb.gr/gr/1.jpg.

Greece: Scholarships 2010

Greece: Scholarships 2010: "The programme refers to AEI & Polytechnic graduates, as well as executives, to continue their studies on post-graduate level for the academic year beginning 2010. The programme funds tuition fees for masters programmes and does not include professional qualifications nor Ph.D.s.

The scholarships are part of the PwC corporate social responsibility programme aimed at talented and distinguished young people, with the objective to provide guidance to the youth to take the right educational and professional path. The crucial aim is to bridge the gap between market demand and education that exists in Greece.

The amount of the scholarship will range between 2.000-4.000 euros, per successful candidate, pending on qualifications and personal financial status."